Thraex software was established in 1999. It is a Finland based company whose sole purpose is to provide software to businesses and organizations. Most notably, it creates programs for customers that want to monitor their product’s life. Ever since its inception, it has played a major role in the support of companies who value the need to monitor the life of their products. Such software is readily available for download on the web. There are both paid and free versions of such software.

Development of Thraex Software
This is not only software development area that Thraex treasures or specializes in. Rather, they are actively involved in the making of software for a vast array of fields. Therefore, it is possible to come across software developed by Thraex quite easily. Based on the fact that Thraex software was quite popular following the inception of the company, it would be a perfect idea to delve into the world of this company and discover more about the software that it creates or created either recently or in the past, its beginning, future prospects and where it is now among others.
Thraex software early history
Even though the information related to the brief history of the company is rather scanty, it is still well-known that the company’s inception dawned in 1999. Highly enthusiastic business minded software developers had decided to setup their company in a bid to assert their prowess in software development on the engineering fraternity.
The company was able to thrive especially during the first five years of its operation. This was mainly due to the high demand for software that characterized the business community in Finland. As such, there was enough room to accommodate any upcoming software companies including Thraex Software. Further, the business environment in Finland was just beginning to adopt the use of software in the execution of their business tasks. Many small businesses that were coming up had only seen the need to incorporate software into their businesses and how to get the best out of each of specially chosen business software.
During the earliest days of the company’s existence, it had been able to come up with mind boggling software products. The company had managed to usher in a whole new level of software development coupled with innovation and originality. This explains why many customers had flocked to Thraex. Further, the company’s ability to make software that is tailored to suit the needs of a wide pool of small businesses across Finland also accounted for its ability to attract many customers. Not shocking, its customer base expanded rapidly during the first few years of its operation.
Major software campaigns

The rise of Thraex Software
Following the dawn of the company, Thraex embarked on a number of iconic software campaigns. Their earliest campaigns had met a lot of success much to the amazement of the marketing team. Thraex software was mainly focused on the development of software for small businesses that wanted to market their products and services. Their products were mostly generic. But, they also provided customized software to small businesses that were interested in ordering software tailored to suit their needs.
Apart from the development of business software, Thraex had also embarked on the development of developer tools. It had made a number of developer tools for both beginners and advanced software developers.
Although Thraex had managed to develop a wide range of software products, only certain products have been able to stand out. Some of the major examples of software that have been able to stand out above others are Astrum InstallWizard, Sirid and the Chinese version of Astrum.
How has Thraex fared so far?
Ever since Thraex was established, it has been able to demonstrate a high level of competence in as far as the creation of software is concerned. This is what has enabled the company’s software to still have a share of the number of software downloads of today. It is still possible to search for Thraex software products on the internet and to find them quite easily. This is testimony to the fact that the company has certainly managed to make a name for its products. Suppose company had to resurface in the near or distant future, it will certainly not struggle to attract a huge crowd of customers.